It's Gonna Be May

It's Gonna Be May

Wow. While March seemed like it was dragging on, April flew by faster than a turbo charged pool skimming robot sliding across the surface of a calm pool. We’re pretty excited about May for a few reasons: 

  1. Warmer weather. Say hello to sunnier days and higher temps.
  2. Memorial Day. Even if we can’t celebrate in a large group, it’s a great time to honor and thank those who honorably served (or are currently active) in the U.S. military. As a veteran-run company, we’re big fans of this holiday. 
  3. Mother’s Day! Remember to honor your mama, the mama-to-be, your grand-mama, a dog/cat mama, or the mama figure in your life. We all have one. If you can’t be there to hug her in person, we hear flowers are a great substitute.
  4. Outdoor bbqs. Fire up the grill (if you haven’t already) and enjoy flame-grilled goodness.
  5. Pool time. Aqua Magazine cites swimming as not only a great immune booster, but ideal for social distancing. We agree, especially as even with a gradual release back, coronavirus related precautions will likely still be in place.  Plus, there’s nothing better than jumping in a cool, clean swimming pool on a hot day.

Social distancing is still in effect and will probably be with us through summer and beyond. But don’t despair. Even though you may not be able to host many people poolside this summer, we still think you should enjoy your backyard investment. We know you’ve seen all of the social posts of your friends and family baking and cooking. In the spirit of quarantine feasting, we’ve highlighted a few recipes that we enjoy and are guaranteed to put you into a food coma of satisfaction. Just remember to imbibe responsibly and remember to wait before jumping in the pool—take mom’s advice and wait 30 minutes before swimming!

Skimdevil’s Pool Menu

Adult Beverage

Not only is the team at Skimdevil pool skimmer robot LOVING the weekly Some Good News (SGN) show with John Krasinski, but SGN recently featured Stanley Tucci making a quarantini recipe created by the world’s cutest grandma. Watch her make it here. Nanna’s recipe is below: 


(2) shots of vanilla vodka

(2) shots of orange vodka

(2) shots of Chambord

(4) measures of orange juice

Shake vigorously in a chilled shaker with ice. Pour out into plastic glass of your choosing (no glass by the pool!). 


Have some veggies on hand from that newly planted vegetable or herb garden? Whip up guacamole and grab some chips. Light, delicious, and fresh. We like this recipe from the Food Network. You know what also goes well with guac? Corona with lime. 

Main course

Fire up the grill. What’s more American than hot dogs and hamburgers? Pick up your favorite franks and meat/veggie burgers of your choosing. Pair with some potato rolls, bust out the condiments, and dig in. Don’t have a go-to burger recipe? Try to find your favorite here


We recently made Lori’s Midnight Chocolate Cake recipe from Samin Nosrat’s Salt, Fat, Acid Heat cookbook and it was a big hit in this quarantine household. Try it out for yourself and then prepare to lounge on a pool float afterwards. 

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